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Welcome to Reds Vanilla Palworld
Welcome to the home of our Vanilla Palworld server. Almost all of the settings are exactly like vanilla, with slight tweaks to certain rates to ensure the game remains as fun as possible without tedious waiting. It’s a PVE server made for fun, relaxation, and learning the game. If you would like to join Reds guild ingame, just shoot a message to any admin and we will invite you so that you have complete access to all the items we’ve already farmed, or go ahead and start your own if you would prefer to experience the game from the ground up.
Server Details
Map: Standard
Player Slots: 32
Game Type: PVE
Loot and Stats: Vanilla
Guild Max Bases: 6
Supply Drops: Every 3 Hours
Egg Hatch Speed: 1 hour (Default is 72)
How to Join
Click on the button below to connect directly via Steam:
Or, enter the IP manually in the Palworld community server browser:
🐏Reds PVE:🐏
Server Rules
You can play freely any way you want as long as it doesn’t involve any sort of hacking, cheating, or griefing other players, as this is a PVE cooperative server. Temporary bases are allowed next to bosses, but once done please deconstruct them. Individual Add-Ons are allowed. If you require any assistance, you can contact any Mod or Red himself on discord to have us assist you ingame.