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Welcome to Reds Vanilla DayZ
Welcome to the home of our 3x DayZ vanilla server, designed for players who enjoy the classic survival experience with minimal tweaks. Our server runs Livonia, featuring a balanced and fair environment for all players. Even if you die, you can quickly get back into the action with all the loot available, ensuring that you can find enjoyment in either learning the game, or just messing around solo or with friends.
Server Details
Map: Livonia
Player Slots: 64
Loot: 3x on ALL items
Zombies: As in Vanilla
Lighting: Set to serverside, not player side, to prevent abuse
3rd person: On and Toggleable
Day/Night Cycle: 8x for both
How to Join
Click the link below to directly connect via Steam:
Or, enter the IP manually in the DayZ server browser:
🧟 Livonia: 🧟
Server Rules
You are allowed to raid any base, destroy any person(s) and camp anywhere you’d like. You are simply not allowed to cheat/hack/esp and that’s about the only thing that will get you banned besides racism/slurs/sexual harassment. PVP is encouraged but not mandatory. If you’d like to contact others out of game, feel free to do so on our discord, where you will also find our online player tracker.